SimplyColes’ Story


My name is Cole, but in the world of all things flowers, I go by the name SimplyCole. My whole life I have been inspired by all things beautiful and creative from the smallest wild flower, to incredible works of art. I try to embrace all beauty around me, into the work I do. I always knew an office job would not work well for my creative soul… this led me down many paths from carpentry, merchandising, interior design amongst many other pursuits… but the moment I made my first bouquet, I finally knew flowers were my ultimate passion turned business. From that time on, I have never looked back into the rearview mirror, once I committed to becoming the best designer that I can be. I am constantly learning, evolving and developing my skills, so please come join me on this journey and lets make some beautiful flower magic together!


Meet some of the SimplyCole team, who work along side Cole during weddings!

Left to right… Mandy, Cole, Cassidy, Summer